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Jonathan Tooker’s Blog

Space Tourism

Space Tourism

Twenty years ago, modern civilization was concerned about what was called the Y2K Glitch. The Glitch was simply a computer flaw;  engineers in the1960's created some of the first computer programs using a two-digit code for the year, so 61 rather than 1961. As the new...

Space Exploration Trends by Jonathan Tooker

Space Exploration Trends by Jonathan Tooker

For hundreds of thousands of years, humanity has wondered and pondered over outer space. The sun and moon gave way to how we tell time; the stars were used to discern location and then used to determine astrology. Since the beginning of civilization, the moon, the...

How Do Planets Get Their Names?

How Do Planets Get Their Names?

From a very early age, we are taught about the stars and planets in our solar system. These concepts have become so ingrained in our minds that it isn’t often we stop to think about how and why things are the way they are. Who decided Jupiter is Jupiter and not...

What Is A Light Year?

What Is A Light Year?

What may have been a far more uncommon term 50 years ago has now become far more understood. For this, we can thank the media, teachers, and even Toy Story’s Buzz Lightyear. But what exactly is a light-year?  A light-year is a term we use to describe the distance to...

Career Paths For Physics Majors

Career Paths For Physics Majors

Some major options and career choices are easy enough to decipher: if you take classes to be a teacher, you can expect that in a number of years, you will be passing along knowledge and helping to build futures. If you decide to become a nurse, you can expect to...